Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Yada yada hi dharmasya?

Today, we come to the 4th chapter of the Bhagvada Gita.

Whenever we Indians (particularly hindus) are in distress, we (at least a few do) invoke these shlokas from the Bhagvada Gita.

यदा यदा ही धर्मस्य
ग्लानिर भवति भरता
अभ्युत्थानं अधर्मस्य
तदात्मानं स्र्जमी अहम्।
"Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, O descendant of Bharata, and a predominant rise of irreligion—at that time I descend Myself."

परित्रनाया सधुनम
विनासाया का दुस्क्रितम
सम्भावामी युगे युगे।
"To deliver the pious and to annihilate the miscreants, as well as to reestablish the principles of religion, I Myself appear, millennium after millennium."

Now, with this post, I don't want to criticize what has been written in the Gita since long, and don't want to come out as a heretic personality. As has been agreed upon millenia ago, He will come down onto earth once again, and clear up this mess.

But we in India seem to be obsessed with this. Rising corruption, bad roads, ill-maintained railways, internal tensions, vote-bank politics, you name it, we have it. Also having a look at the rabble of states we have around us, sometimes gives me a thought, that why doesn't a concerned power do something about them. (wicked smiles)

My question is, who are we waiting for to clean all of this up? We do not know as yet when 'Kalki' avatar of Shri Vishnu is coming. But from my questions to Gurus, it seems that it will still take centuries if not millennia for him to come. Are we going to sit on our palms for this long a time?

People who consider themselves atheist and agnostic are more at fault than commoners in India. (This I write because I consider that most people in India would associate themselves with one religion or the other, and hence those are what I refer to as commoners). Since they do not believe in God, then why don't they take up the responsibility of reforming the society themselves?

Whenever people have stood up in unison in India, things have taken place. I would like to see that sort of unity occurring in rooting out all evils from India, no matter what the cost.

Again, from the last shloka of the chapter.

तस्माद अज्नना-सम्भुतम
हर्ट-स्थं ज्नानासिनात्मनाह
चित्त्वैनाम सम्सयम योगं
अतिस्थोत्तिस्था भरता।
"Therefore the doubts which have arisen in your heart out of ignorance should be slashed by the weapon of knowledge. Armed with yoga, O Bharata, stand and fight."

New Author

Ladies and Gentlemen,

To enrich our understanding of the Bhagvada Gita, we have a new author on board. I will soon be giving a link to his profile and blog on my sidebar.

I assure you that he's a more prolific and versatile writer than me, and you should expect to get more intelligible and coherent posts in the future.

Yours sincerely,
